An App on a Journey
How about a travel app that's friends with your pocket?

Role - UX Researcher and Designer
Scope - Individual Project
'Vacation' - Sounds amazing, doesn't it? How about 'Vacation planning' - your mind and body are probably already switching to decision-fatigue mode.
What if there was an app where you could simply key in your budget, set a few preferences, and boom! are ready to travel?
YourwaY is that travel app that aims to minimize the decisions that you need to make. It takes care of the searching, comparing, planning, and tracking, so you can simply ' travel your way '.
A Complete Revamp Story
Can paying HOA dues be an enjoyable experience?
Role - UI Designer & Accessibility Lead
Scope - Group Project
Grapevine Property Services is a management company that aims to assist users who need to pay HOA dues or file maintenance requests, but has ended up with a fair share of angry clients. What was the reason?
A section of their users, found their website non-intuitive and confusing to use. Thus they constantly called the GPS office. This project gave me the opportunity to push my limits as a designer, working closely with the stakeholder and making critical design decisions based on feedback from actual users of the site whose average age is 60.